Friday 6 January 2012

Getting My Shakespeare On...

About mid-December last year a friend of mine alerted me to the fact that The Acting Factory's Shakespeare By The River was casting for their next production, The Tempest. I got in contact with the director and he asked me to audition for the role of Ferdinand. The audition was...undesirable at best, hopelessly pathetic at worst. It was my first audition for a Shakespeare production, and I only had two days to prepare, but all excuses aside, I left that audition and put all thoughts of getting the role out of my mind.

   It is now almost a month later, and this morning I received a phone call from the director while I was in the Food Court at the plaza (of all places...where you can hardly hear a thing) offering me the role of Ferdinand! Yesterday I met with a director for a short film, so I was expecting it to be her, and the last thing in the world I was expecting was for it to be about The Tempest, so it took me a while to figure out what was going on and who on earth I was talking vagueness filled him with confidence in his choice, I'm sure.

     So now I have until sometime in February to learn Shakespeare lines (yes, I'm freaking out a little, this being my first Shakespeare production and all) So that's exciting :) I'm also fairly sure it's a profit share gig (a definite plus!) First rehearsal for me is tomorrow (everyone else has been rehearsing since the start of December or something, so I'm a bit behind!) so we'll see how that goes - hopefully well!

   I should also tell you, as I don't believe I have, that I have been accepted into Sydney Theatre School's Diploma of Theatre Performance course for this year! Yes, that is the school for which my audition was abysmal, so it is a pleasant surprise. My ability to take direction must have won them over - I'm fairly sure it's my strongest point in acting, as every single director I have ever had has mentioned how good I am at taking direction. So as of February 7th, I will be training in acting two days a week, 10-5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which is incredibly exciting! It will also mean that I will have time to work and audition for roles or do extras work on the days I'm not training as well. So all in all, I am super excited for this year and everything God has in store for me! I am now off to delve into my No Fear Shakespeare (yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it) and get my Shakespeare on!

Type soon!

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