Sunday 16 October 2011

And so it Begins...

Today is the day the HSC begins. For those of you who are not in Australia, the HSC is the final examinations students complete at the end of Yr 12 of school - the Higher School Certificate. I find myself less scared and more excited - I've had three weeks of holidays in which to study and I just want to get these exams over and done with so I can fully focus on achieving what I want to in life. On the 2nd of November I will complete my last exam and that date can't come soon enough, so that is why I am excited to get started. The sooner I start, the sooner I finish.

This afternoon is my first exam: Drama. I feel prepared and I'm not too worried, so all is fairly well. I am currently sitting outside, sipping my tea and writing this. I feel quite relaxed, actually. No doubt that will change in a couple of hours. It's odd, I guess it kind of feels like the calm before the storm...

 Oh, I must tell you - I've been asked in for a job interview at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre/Q Theatre for job as an usher/bar tender. I'm very excited at the prospect of quitting McDonalds, where I have been working for the past 4 years! I really hope I get the job - I love the theatre and the atmosphere there (plus, the pay is better than Maccas and you get to sit in on shows :D) In a couple of weeks I will be able to tell you if I got the job or not.

 Well, for now, I shall leave you and get back to some last minute revising and cementing of information and quotes into my brain for this afternoon.

 I'll type again soon :)

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