Friday 7 October 2011

Why, hello there...

How are you? I do hope you are well...if not, I hope you recover quickly, or as the saying goes "Get Well Soon" - I've always found that statement to be a bit abrasive, however. "Get well soon!!" "Ok, ok, I'm sorry!"

I digress.

We meet here, in cyberspace, not knowing each other, and yet somehow fascinated in who the other is. I sit here, terribly afraid that I may not end up having anything of great importance to say, while you sit there quietly hoping to find some small piece of amusement or interest as you spend the next hour or so procrastinating from whatever it is you know you should be doing, but have cleverly and thoroughly convinced yourself that it can be done later.

I, personally, should be studying for some rather important and fast approaching exams, however I find myself entirely void of all motivation whatsoever. Perhaps you are in the same boat? Another odd phrase, as neither of us is in a boat. Well, I am certainly not. You may be, however - I shouldn't rule the possibility out entirely.

If you are reading this, be it on a boat or otherwise, I do hope that you will stick with me as I converse from time to time. Perhaps you will find yourself commenting and replying? I should very much like that. I would then be able to change my title from 'Ramblings' to 'Conversations' with a Creative.

Do you consider yourself creative? How do you express your creativity? I love making films, and I've entered two films into a film festival called Ignite Short Film Festival, along with a friend of mine. I also like to sing and write, but above all else I love to act. The freedom and expression gained through acting is...indescribable. You'll probably hear a lot about my acting pursuits, achievements and failures - I would love for you to share your pursuits and achievements and failures, of any kind, with me too. I would love this to be very much two sided. I don't even know if anyone will end up ever reading this, it's all a bit of a mystery to me, so if you are out there and you are reading this, let me know - I would love to converse with you.

Well, until we type again...

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